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Online Career Tuesday with SMP on April 16

Management Skills with SMP

What exactly are Management Skills? What are they so important? How does my future career benefit from them?

It is not easy to give a brief answer to these questions since Management Skills include various (soft) skills such as communication and presentation skills as well as self-development. Positive and remote leadership, new work and value systems within your working life also play an important role.

At our Career Tuesday, our partners from the world of practice the SMP experts will explain how to develop your management skills further in your working life. Additionally, you will be given hands-on examples on how management skills influence your working reality.

About SMP: SMP Strategy Consulting, boasting over two decades of expertise and an 80-member strong team in Düsseldorf, excels in formulating strategies, creating experiences, and enhancing performance across energy, insurance, telecom, and banking sectors. The firm underscores its dedication to the fusion of corporate strategy and data analytics. Management skills are critical for SMP Strategy Consulting as they guide strategic direction, ensure seamless team collaboration among the consultants, foster positive client relations, facilitate adaptability to industry changes, drive innovation and growth, and optimize overall performance. 

This event will provide you with an insight into the world of “Management Skills” and explain why it is an essential study experience for you. Our Management Skills courses are part of many WiSo Master programs, as we attach importance to the skill development of our students. General information on the courses can be found here.

Date: April 16, 2024
From 5.00 - 6.15 p.m.: Career Tuesday Management Skills with SMP
From 6.15 - 6.45 p.m.: Kick-off for Management Skills courses summer term 2024
Language: English
Where: via Zoom
Registration: via registration form below

Anmeldung - Management Skills mit SMP

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