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22nd CEMS Research Seminar 2025

Important Dates

October 16, 2024 Submission Deadline
October 31, 2024 Notification (at the latest) on accepted submissions
November 22, 2024 Registration deadline
January 22 – 26, 2025

22nd CEMS Research Seminar



Call for Submissions

Continuing the successful history of 19 physical and 2 digital seminars, we have the pleasure to invite herewith to the upcoming 22nd CEMS research seminar on Supply Chain Management and logistics. The seminar will again allow for a wide range of potential contributions to all the different facets of research projects encompassing operational, tactical as well as strategic topics within Logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM).

The seminar is by tradition not restricted to specific approaches, and research methods used may be quantitative modeling (stochastic, deterministic, simulation), empirical study, and qualitative and conceptual approaches.

Ideal submissions should, however, show a clear and well communicated research problem reflecting major trends currently evolving in scientific research and applied practice. Topics may relate - but are not limited - to the following research areas:

Configuration, mobilization, development of logistics networks and supply chains, and its functional areas e.g.:

  • Outsourcing and relationships
  • Governance and collaboration
  • Supply chain planning and execution
  • Procurement, production, distribution
  • Transportation
  • Warehousing, inventory management
  • Capacity aspects of SCM
  • Planning and scheduling
  • Information management
  • Digital supply chain and Industry 4.0
  • Data analysis in SCM and logistics
  • Supply chains of the future
  • Reverse logistics and circular economy
  • Sustainable supply chains
  • Humanitarian logistics
  • Smart logistics
  • Resilient supply chains

Please feel encouraged to present your research and get inspiration in plenary sessions with an open minded group of researchers, eager to discuss and to reflect your thoughts, concepts, or results from different viewpoints within the field of supply chain management and logistics. The seminar addresses in particular but not exclusively PhD students and junior researchers who take the opportunity to discuss their research, to ask open questions and to receive intense feedback from other PhD students, PostDocs and professors. The best PhD student presentation (only students will vote for students) will be awarded a prize.

The informal environment and ample opportunity for sports activities support the other main objective of the seminar to meet international colleagues for interesting discussions and networking.

In order to reflect different stages of research progress we have decided to split the contributions into three main categories.

CAT 1 (early research stage): Problem definition and literature review.
This category refers especially to first-year/junior PhD students who want to present and discuss the background and first ideas of their early research.

CAT 2 (intermediate research stage): Modelling, methodology, experimentation and/or empirical study.
This category refers especially to advanced PhD students or junior/senior researchers who intend to present and discuss selected results of their work in progress or last year PhD students or junior/senior researchers who intend to present and discuss current, final results of their work.

CAT 3 (mature research stage): Completed research or conceptual topic.
This category is mainly dedicated to junior/senior researchers who will present completed research, which has been submitted/accepted to/by a scientific journal. This category is also dedicated to senior researchers who want to discuss a conceptual topic, field overview or provide specific insights into their concepts of teaching, research or publishing strategies.

An extended abstract of up to two pages is expected for all categories. All page limits are based on our template, which can be downloaded here.

In order to create fruitful discussions, submitters are welcome to provide questions or topics they would like to discuss with the attendees.

After final registration, PhD students will be matched to a more senior seminar attendee to have the opportunity to get more detailed feedback on their submission (if they would like). To this end, they will be able to submit a more detailed research description (or a draft paper) to this senior attendee.   

Based on the categories, we will differentiate the schedule for presentations. The specific time slot for each presentation will be determined after closing the submission stage, based on the schedule constraints and the number of submissions. Each slot will be divided into the presentation and a discussion.

Please state clearly to which category your submission belongs when handing in your abstract (Note: In case that your submission indicates it, we may take the freedom to reassign it also to another category than the one requested)!

Submission / format template

Please post your categorized submission (CAT 1-3) by e-mail to Jelle de Vries at jvriesSpamProtectionrsm.nl and CC to cems-seminarSpamProtectionwiso.uni-koeln.de using subject line “Riezlern submission.” Please use our template and make sure to provide the name of the author(s), affiliation, mailing address, phone, e-mail address, and the desired submission category. We ask you to pay attention to the 2-page limit.


You will be provided with further information regarding the registration process after your submission has been reviewed and accepted for the conference.

The costs still have to be finalized based on updated prices but will be around €200. The costs include attendance of the program, coffee, and conference dinner. Other drinks and lodging costs are not included. The registration fee must be transferred to a bank account in advance.

Program Information

The agenda will be posted shortly after finishing the review process of the submissions. Each day three sessions with a specific focus will be held with ample time in between the sessions.

The welcoming session will take place on Wednesday evening. We plan to have sessions in the morning (starting Thursday), late afternoon and evening. All presentations will be in English.


Haus Bergkranz offers neat and inexpensive bedrooms but at a price of somewhat less luxury and comfort.

Important: Due to organizational issues and capacity restrictions at Haus Bergkranz, we cannot guarantee single- or double-bedrooms. To avoid any inconvenience, we ask those participants preferring single- or double-bedrooms throughout the conference to register as early as possible with Hotel Montana across the street from Haus Bergkranz’s conference room.

Alternative accommodations nearby Haus Bergkranz are the middle-class hotels Montana (www.hotelmontana.de)  and Alpahotel Walserstuba (www.walserstuba.de), where double and single rooms can be booked (incl. breakfast). Full details on accommodation, booking, and payment procedures will be provided with the acceptance letter of your contribution.


Conference Organization

The CEMS Conference on Supply Chain Management is an annual event organized by the Faculty Group (FG) Logistics of the CEMS. The organizing team for the upcoming conference in 2025 is represented by:

  • Prof. Dr. Yossi Bukchin, Tel-Aviv University
  • Prof. Dr. Jelle de Vries, Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Prof. Dr. René de Koster, Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Dominik Walzner, PhD student, University Cologne

For questions related to the conference agenda and research topics do not hesitate to contact Yossi Bukchin (bukchinSpamProtectiontauex.tau.ac.il) or Jelle de Vries (jvriesSpamProtectionrsm.nl). For administrative matters like accommodation and payment, please contact cems-seminarSpamProtectionwiso.uni-koeln.de.