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Programme Management

Aurélie Civel

Associate Director EMBA

Programme Management

 Mail +49 221 470 7970

 Phone aurelie.civelSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de

Chandni Kapoor

Programme Manager

 Mail +49 221 470 89932

 Phone chandni.kapoorSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de

Marketing & Admission

Sabine Kuschel

Marketing & Admissions Manager

 Mail +49 221 470 7943

 Phone sabine.kuschelSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de

Jennifer Biesenthal

Marketing & Admissions Manager

 Mail +49 221 470 7942

 Phone jennifer.biesenthalSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de

Nehmen Sie mit uns Kontakt auf

Data Protection Notice

Your personal details are submitted voluntarily; however, for processing your request, we need at least your title, name and e-mail address. These boxes are highlighted accordingly as mandatory (*). Your optional information will allow us to advise you on an individual and personalized basis. We process and use your information only for your desired purposes, resp. for processing your request. The University of Cologne Business School will treat all your personal information as confidential. Passing on of your data and information to third parties is excluded.

Consent on Use of Data

I agree that the University of Cologne Business School stores my personal data and uses them to inform and advise me going forward of the benefits of the programs of the University of Cologne Business School via e-mail. Consent may be revoked at any time with future effect.
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