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Register for the programme 2019 now!

Please contact us directly. For more information or an individual conversation please contact our Marketing & Admissions Manager Sabine Kuschel.

Mail:, Phone: 0221 470 7943


Health Care Management Certificate: Management and Leadership

For those who wish to further their career in a hospital environment and want to gain the required management skills, the Business School of the University of Cologne has created a Healthcare Management Certificate Programme. The Healthcare Management Certificate is designed to prepare medical professionals for the challenges of a hospital career. In addition to medical expertise, they must also have management skills to meet the economic requirements - also as a leader.

Management skills and leadership skills

The goal of the planned Healthcare Management Certificate Programme is to provide a better understanding of the framework conditions within a hospital, the economic consequences of decisions and the importance of corporate strategies. Classes are taught by a selected group of lecturers with a high reputation. The Healthcare Management Certificate Programme will provide you with 36 credit points as recognised by the Ärztekammer Nordrhein.

Classes take place over seven weekends. The classes dates and times are planned well in advanced so you can plan your time optimally. 

Successful participants will receive a certificate of course completion.

Through the Healthcare Management Certificate Programme you can:

  • Increase your work satisfaction due to a better understanding of the relationships and improved communication
  • Receive german education credit points
  • Improve your career opportunities within a hospital environment as well as outside of it


Content of the Healthcare Management Certificate

The Healthcare Management programme consists of six modules, an optional elective course and a final project. The classes take place every second weekend on a Friday evening and all day Saturday at the University of Cologne.

Module Course Content

Personnel Management & Leadership

(13. - 14. September 2019)

12 credit Points

  • Human Resource Management Methods
  • Effective Communication and Motivation as a leader
  • Change Management

 Further information can be found here

Quality & Process Management

(11. - 12. October 2019)


  • Quality and Risk Assessment
  • Hospital Processes and Optimisation Methods
  • Resource Management 

 Further information can be found here

Digitalisation & Innovation 

(27. - 28. September 2019)

  • IT in the Healthcare Area
  • Patient orientated Innovation Models
  • Legal Framework 
  • Big Data Analytics 

 Further information can be found here

Accountancy & Controlling

(25. - 26. Oktober 2019 und

8. - 9. November 2019)

  • Internal and external Accountancy
  • Medicine Controlling
  • G-DRG System
  • Hospital Simulation and Optimisation

 Further information can be found here

Strategic Management 

(22. - 23. November 2019)

12 credit Points

  • Value-based Healthcare
  • Organisational Challenges 
  • Radical Innovation 
  • Cost Reduction through digital Changes 

 Further Information can be found here

 Project Thesis and Presentation

(7. Dezember 2019)                    

 Further information can be found here


The Programme concludes with a certificate in Healthcare Management from the Business School of the University of Cologne. Further Training for physicians is in planning for the future, with a focus on specialist training.

Learning goals of the Healthcare Management Certificate Programme 

  • You will be able to apply the essential rules of strategic and hospital management in complex and demanding healthcare environment.
  • You will learn how to use risk and quality tools effectively and how to make use of decision support tools.
  • You will gain an understanding about the finance workflows and the roll of actuary in a healthcare environment. In addition to this, you will learn about the complexity of interactions of different stakeholders within the business.
  • You will learn about controlling and incentives within the healthcare system environment and how to influence these factors.
  • You will learn the basic leadership skills required for doctors in the healthcare environment. Problem solving and assessment in the healthcare sector and effective communication to motivate and lead your colleagues

At a glance

  • Qualification: Diploma from the Business School of the University of Cologne
  • Further education for doctors of the Medical Association for Nordrhein (in planning)
  • Period: September to November 2019
  • Part-time diploma over seven weekends in the University of Cologne 
  • Small groups for individual support 
  • Classes are taught in German


  • First University degree 
  • Minimum of three years work experience in the healthcare sector 
  • Leadership experience is desirable 


Please contact us at:

The programme fee is 7.450 Euro. Register until: 20th August 2019

If you have any further questions, please contact

Sabine Kuschel
Tel: 0221 470 7943